Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Week Worth of Neglect

Overgrown zucchini and an eaten ear of corn.

Last week my sister was talking to me about how her garden got so overrun with weeds during her recent vacation that she almost decided to give up for the year.  (You wouldn't believe how common that is right about now.)  "You can't garden on your free days," she said.  And that about sums it up.  During my recent vacation I lost another summer squash plant and two winter squash vines to the squash bugs, weeds absolutely overtook the last couple cucumber vines, and raccoons (or squirrels?) ate all but a few of my remaining corn ears.  Plus my zucchini got a little bigger than I like!

Lest you think my garden brings me nothing but grief, check out some of the corn we ate for lunch before we left:

We also took a few squash, a baggie of garlic, a basil plant (I potted it from my home garden) and a half a box of tomatoes with us.  What a tasty trip!

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