Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Journal: 6/5/12

At the community garden:
  • cleared the broccoli bed
  • moved mostly-rotted wood chips from piles at the back of the park to add about a 1" layer to the broccoli and pac choi / spinach beds
  • added blood meal and 1/2 bag of coffee grounds to the broccoli bed, dug in
  • harrowed and leveled the broccoli bed for planting
  • weeded around tomatoes and potatoes, collected more mulch for edges of tomato plastic
  • transplanted one eggplant seedling from nursery to round out the bed
  • transplanted the rest of the marigolds into open spots around the garden
  • picked the rest of the lettuce and a lot of peas
At home:
  • transplanted many more plants into the back flower bed: 4 mallow, 3 balloon flower, 1 mystery plant, 1 blueberry bush, 2 "pony tails" grasses, 3 daylilies and 1 soapwort
  • processed 12 pints of strawberry jam (plus two half pints that are unsealed in the fridge).  N helped me do the first two batches and R helped with the last.  the strawberries, of course, were from Larriland Farm

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