This is my one and only remaining raspberry plant after a disappointing planting last year. I planted a little late because I got sucked in by a 2-for-1 email advertisement. Of the six that I planted (two sets of three), five died over the summer. I was deeply worried about this one, which survived but only grew one very flimsy cane. Back in February I saw it lying on the ground and felt guilty, so I tied the cane to a metal stake with a piece of hosiery. It was a half-hearted effort because I thought this might be dead anyway. Now the plant has been sprouting leaves like crazy and the main stalk is growing thick and green.

My original plan for trellising this was very carefully thought out, but it was based on having six of the little guys. Now I'm thinking I will probably just make a rose-style individual trellis out of bamboo. I could just plant more bushes, but I don't want to do that until the fall so I can count on having a nice, long, cool season this time for them to get established.
This particular raspberry is a Red Latham variety. It fruits on one-year-old canes that I am supposed to cut to the ground after fruiting. It should ripen in late June - I can hardly wait. Although now that I've had both, I think I like fall raspberries slightly better. Maybe I'll buy fall-bearing plants next time.
I thought that you were going to pull the buds off this year for a larger harvest next year. Does this mean we'll have raspberries this year if the squirrels/raccoons/deer/bunnies/cats/kids/zombies don't get them?!?
ReplyDeleteQuick unrelated side question, what is the plural of opossum? Opossa? Opossums?
Nick, I think you are thinking of the blueberries. You are not supposed to let the raspberries fruit the first year, but mine didn't even try. Now we are in the second year we should permit ourselves to eat any berries it produces, though there probably won't be many since there is only the one cane.
ReplyDeleteNo clue about the 'possums.